Red Green Blue - used to work with lights when party led lamps got introduced, still crave my 1w rgb laser projector
Red Green Blue - used to work with lights when party led lamps got introduced, still crave my 1w rgb laser projector
i goes it is ON not OR
I still have vacuum cleaners from CCCR era still working repairable and almost perfect!
I will die on this hill! Yes it is the common sense!
yeah it is about the rules ;0] As my fried used to ask me what else can thay do in central national library, I said the crying corner and the masturbation hall.
I run I2P but have not seeded in it anything. Love to see the statistics and when it works :0]
this tool was not working perfectly for me, but I already seed and is happy. Love to saturate my line. Oh there is a problem on my end with my biggest torrent so far 9TiB oh man so strange world we live in, will try to rechek it.
yould like for it to pickup - it is a google killer app
Thank you will try to create more more colorful ones :)
I mostly hate when fat large torrents disappear, I use private trackers, but it is not for everyone, and sometimes they are slow to respond. But movie is not my speciality its music. Love it more ;0]
or the ***?
you mean the name of FB head?
Had had a couple of bone brakes, but it felt like nothing compared to that pain, it also got away, was saved by a blood testing and going straight to operation table, after the pain ceased.
I mostly pirate for others to leech. Always my slsk is getting upwards of 40 users and 30MB/s upload. It is harder and harder to get packs, or music in general from private and not trackers. Redacted does not have everything, I love the idea of big repository of music and share upwards of 50TB on slsk. Lots of Dj’s, new producers and podcast use this stuff :) I pay for youtube premium, but never rip it, I almost always buy music I like trough Bandcamp if it is available.