• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Nacho Libre

    lol I know, it’s a silly ridiculous fuckaround, but it’s sweet and stupid and wholesome and sometimes that’s what I need.

    I can and do appreciate artistry in cinema, but you didn’t ask about that. Nacho is one film I’ll just always be happy to watch.

    It also got me through half of a stay in a hyperbaric chamber when I got the bends, and I’m very claustrophobic, so big credit to it there. Panic attack didn’t start until the speakers malfunctioned five minutes into Amelie, and I was suddenly too hot and 1000% certain the chamber was going to catch on fire and kill me.

    Nacho soothes.

  • Oh I didn’t mean to imply otherwise - Overcast is awesome.

    I guess I worded my question poorly. I’m more asking if there’s any way to block trackers without blocking the entire podcast.

    The stream/download just hangs, or errors out because it “cannot connect to creep.noteventhehost.fm” or whatever - just won’t load at all until I unblock and it’s able to do its dirty work.

    Not sure if this is even within the capabilities of a client… I’m starting to think not, and that I’ve asked a stupid question lol

  • Ragebait. It’s boring and pointless, and it brings out the worst in everyone. I never understood the appeal of being a “troll” though, so idk.

    Something else I don’t miss, and maybe this is a little more personal, but often when I would try to participate in a conversation, my comment would get auto-removed for some rule/etiquette based reason I could never really wrap my head around. Like, derailing? I thought I knew what that meant, but had comments removed when I was like, “yeah that answer really resonates with me too! My 123 is xyz.”

    Lemmy so far has been much more welcoming to the neurodiverse and I appreciate the organic, freeflowing nature of conversation here.

    Obviously, if someone’s being provocatively hateful / an obvious troll, then nuke 'em.

    But if people are just trying to join in on the conversation, don’t be a pedantic dick about exactly what kind of conversation is allowed. It had gotten to the point where I was afraid to comment at all for fear I’d be doing it wrong.

  • Yeah I wouldn’t hate this quite so much.

    But then the creator gets the ad revenue instead of the platform, and they just can’t have that can they.

    One of my fave podcasts is hosted by an intelligent, genuine woman who happens to have a very soothing voice. She covers topics that matter to me, and as a person who has sensory issues, the fact I’ve never found her jarring is rare. I wish I could pay to skip the ad service she uses, because I’m just trying to be calm and peaceful and learn something that’ll improve my life when some prat jumps in and starts yelling at me about a casino or some irrelevant trash.

    Bring back creator vetted ads. At least they’d be (hopefully) more relevant and fit the tone of the media I’m choosing to engage with.